
Tips for your Halloween costumes this October

Halloween has become increasingly popular in the UK. In fact, dressing up in costumes can be a lot of fun for kids. Stores, schools, and parents have gotten stuck into the season with themed events and treats. Some have even opened their homes to children for a nights’ trick or treating! So, we’ve put together a few ideas that won’t break the bank and keeps your kids moving!


Make and do DIY costumes

Whilst the off-the-peg costumes are often the easiest option whilst doing the weekly grocery shop, a DIY costume can be a way to breathe some magic into some of the things you already have. When making something fit for a fright fest, we recommend keeping it safe and simple.

For any projects you take on, make sure your kids are involved in the process, not only can you supervise the use of scissors and glue but kids will be excited about being creative. Kids are more likely to get excited about wearing a costume if they have been part of the making and the brainstorm for making the costume.

You can use materials that you have knocking around in your recycling boxes such as milk cartons and toilet rolls. Root around in your wardrobe for any old clothes that could make a great costume. You can use their favourite Disney movies or books as a stimulus, retrofitting old shirts, coats and t-shirts into a range of characters. For example, a simple grey tracksuit and some foil can give you armour, add a bike helmet and some cardboard for a shield and sword, and you have a shiny-armoured valiant knight!


Visibility for safety

Lots of homes open their doors for trick or treaters now, maybe even decorating a door or a front garden with pumpkins and lights. If you’re considering going out trick or treating this year with your children, then road safety and visibility is of the utmost importance. How can you make sure your kids are having fun and staying where you can see them?

Firstly, kids need to be clear that when you go out trick or treating, they should be accompanied by an adult and that road safety rules still apply. That means you should stick to neighbouring streets and rules on crossing roads. They should wait for an adult and look both ways before crossing. Secondly, high-vis clothing or costumes with lights can help with visibility as the nights get darker.

Consider the rainbow and pot of gold costume which includes a simple white jogging sweatsuit or a onesie with a spray-painted rainbow on each arm. Use a balloon and a paper mâché technique to make your pot of gold and add a high vis sticker so it glows in the dark. Easy to put together and extra-visible at night!


Easy manoeuvrability

We think costumes for Halloween shouldn’t include anything that impedes a child’s natural movement. Keep away from costumes that are too tight, often because they’re old, too short or too revealing. You should expect children to be moving and grooving and we certainly will at our Kids Takeover, end-of-term Halloween Party!

If you settle on a DIY project, you should make sure there aren’t too many loose parts of the costume. If you have these consider using safety tethers to keep together gloves for example, or a costume without too many loose parts. A simple butterfly costume includes a tutu and tulle skirt with small butterflies made out of paper to decorate them. They can be tied together with string and tacked onto the skirt with little damage to the fabric.

Stay safe and active this Halloween with our tips for Halloween costumes!
